Typically one will want to stratify by chain by calling cluster_test_by, as this will calculate the number of cell "trials" separately depending on the chain recovered.

cluster_test_by(ccdb, fields = "chain", tbl = "cluster_tbl", ...)

  filterset = cluster_filterset(),
  contig_filter_args = TRUE,
  tie_break_keys = c("umis", "reads"),
  add_cluster_tbl = FALSE,
  keep_fit = FALSE,
  fitter = glm_glmer,
  silent = FALSE





character naming fields in tbl


one of contig_tbl, cell_tbl or cluster_tbl


passed to cluster_logistic_test


the right-hand side of a glmer or glm-style formula.


a call to cluster_filterset() that will be used to subset clusters.


an expression passed to dplyr::filter(). Unlike filter, multiple criteria must be & together, rather than using commas to separate. These act on ccdb$contig_tbl


(optional) character naming fields in contig_tbl that are used sort the contig table in descending order. Used to break ties if contig_filter_args does not return a unique contig for each cluster


logical should the output be joined to the cluster_tbl?


logical as to whether the fit objects should be returned as a list column


a function taking arguments formula, data, is_mixed and keep_fit that is run on each cluster. Should return a tibble or data.frame


logical. Should warnings from fitting functions should be suppressed?


table with one row per cluster/term.


  • cluster_test_by: split ccdb and conduct tests within strata


ccdb_ex = cluster_germline(ccdb_ex)
trav1 = filter(ccdb_ex$cluster_tbl, v_gene == 'TRAV1')
cluster_logistic_test(~pop + (1|sample), ccdb_ex,
filterset = cluster_filterset(white_list= trav1))
#> Fitting mixed logistic models to 2 clusters.
#> Loading required namespace: broom
#> Loading required namespace: lme4
#> Loading required namespace: broom.mixed
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> Warning: variance-covariance matrix computed from finite-difference Hessian is
#> not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to var-cov estimated from RX
#> Warning: variance-covariance matrix computed from finite-difference Hessian is
#> not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to var-cov estimated from RX
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#>   effect term        estimate  std.error   statistic       p.value cluster_idx
#>   <chr>  <chr>          <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>       <int>
#> 1 fixed  (Intercept)    -6.05       1.00 -6.04       0.00000000149           1
#> 2 fixed  popbalbc      -30.0  3298970.   -0.00000909 1.00                    1
#> 3 fixed  (Intercept)   -38.9      543.   -0.0716     0.943                   2
#> 4 fixed  popbalbc       32.9      543.    0.0606     0.952                   2
# Fixed effect analysis of each cluster, by chain
prev4 = ccdb_ex$contig_tbl %>% group_by(cluster_idx) %>%
summarize(n()) %>% filter(`n()`>= 4)
cluster_test_by(ccdb = ccdb_ex, fields = 'chain',
tbl = 'cluster_tbl', formula = ~ pop, filterset = cluster_filterset(white_list= prev4))
#> Fitting fixed logistic models to 7 clusters.
#> Fitting fixed logistic models to 90 clusters.
#> # A tibble: 194 × 7
#>    chain term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value cluster_idx
#>    <chr> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>       <int>
#>  1 TRA   (Intercept)  -3.10       0.273 -11.3     8.64e-30          26
#>  2 TRA   popbalbc     -0.601      0.450  -1.33    1.82e- 1          26
#>  3 TRA   (Intercept)  -4.67       0.580  -8.06    7.88e-16         213
#>  4 TRA   popbalbc     -1.13       1.16   -0.973   3.30e- 1         213
#>  5 TRA   (Intercept) -22.6     2678.     -0.00843 9.93e- 1         295
#>  6 TRA   popbalbc     18.2     2678.      0.00678 9.95e- 1         295
#>  7 TRA   (Intercept)  -5.08       0.709  -7.16    7.84e-13         442
#>  8 TRA   popbalbc     -0.0215     1.00   -0.0214  9.83e- 1         442
#>  9 TRA   (Intercept) -22.6     2678.     -0.00843 9.93e- 1         463
#> 10 TRA   popbalbc     18.2     2678.      0.00678 9.95e- 1         463
#> # … with 184 more rows